Tuesday, September 16, 2014

This Guy Named Scott...And All His Stuff

In an effort to relive my weekend and function in denial that I'm back to the grind I wanted to share some fun finds from the Big A.

Friday night began and ended with a harrowing adventure into the dark woods of Conyers, GA. I dragged Myke along to see a love seat I found on Craigslist. To say he came kicking and screaming is only a slight exaggeration. I mean, someone had to drive... I just don't get why he wouldn't want to score a great deal, on a Friday night, with the slightest chance of getting murdered. In this, we couldn't be more different. It was a bit of a trek and once we got closer I couldn't help but think about all those episodes of 48 Hours Presents: Live To Tell, that I've watched ad nauseam. This is proof that I am ACTUALLY an optimist despite all other signs. I obviously thought that if we found ourselves in a precarious situation that we would indeed, live to tell.

The woman who came to the door was amazing in the same way Sharknado is amazing or Pauly Shore or that burger served between two grilled cheese sandwiches. I couldn't stop looking yet I wanted to get out of there right away. We traded $50 and loaded up the sleek looker below and headed back to civilization.

Saturday we spent our time at Scott Antique Market. This is the world's largest indoor antique show. It takes place the second weekend of every month at the Atlanta Expo Center. The market is spread over two large buildings, a North and a South building, and many outdoor spaces. The indoor vendors tend to be pricey whereas the odds and ends outside are a little more reasonable. It is certainly not yard or estate sale prices but the people watching and the design inspiration are priceless.

My favorite things here are an import booth ran by a man named Khaled and an old-timey popcorn machine. Go figure! We tend to always start at the North building where I make a bee-line to the man with the goods. He's at aisle A-2, booths 49 and 50. On this Saturday I was looking for a gift for myself my sister. She hardly responds to my text messages so I'm fairly certain this won't ruin the surprise. He has the most beautiful things...

I am usually a fair and fierce haggler but on this day I was at a loss. Maybe all the pretty, colorful things temporarily handicapped my abilities, allowing me to hone an all new approach. I basically hemmed and hawed until he came down $20. I really just couldn't make up my mind. A win for indecisiveness! Here is what i bought...

You can go missing and broke in this place so keep an eye on the exits and your wallet. I am always looking for a good deal so most things I already know are out of my price range at Scott's. What I can always afford is the popcorn made in the machine below. It's over a hundred years old (the machine, not the popcorn). You can taste the history and history tastes like salt and butter...delish!

Of course there were many things that spoke to me that were passed over. Sadly, I left all my bags of money at home.

For $10 we did buy this lumber jack. The matte needs to be replaced but the frame is sturdy and in good condition. He's just weird enough for me to fall in love. That tends to be my barometer.

After scouring the first building, everything started to look the same and my eyes started to cross. So naturally we kept going. The South building has the best place to grab lunch. Be prepared to fight for a table and "throw dem 'bows." It isn't a day in Atlanta without a Ludacris reference, says me...

With little energy left and just before we made the walk back to the car I spotted one more gem. I adopted these three cats for $25. These are the only cats that Myke can live with that don't induce an allergic reaction or claw my furniture. For that, I am grateful.

Would you spend your Friday night hunting down a Craigslist find or weave your way through hoards of people in hopes of spotting a great piece? For me, the hunt is half the fun. Happy searching!

1 comment:

  1. I FREAKING LOVE SCOTT ANTIQUE MARKET!!! My wallet certainly doesn't miss the constant temptation, but I do. Another thing I love...your writing. Keep it up, friend.
