Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Put A Flower In It

Who doesn't love a brightly colored, cheerful flower arrangement? Don't answer this question if your allergies keep you away from all things flora. Go ahead and move along, this post isn't for you. I'll see ya when I see ya!

Lately I've been exploring new artistic expressions in hopes of finding my one true calling. This blog being one of those outlets, another being floral arrangements. I know that sounds like I've cashed in my retirement and my days are spent with a sun hat on, in the garden, pruning my roses. Although that doesn't sound half bad, I'm not old enough, rich enough, nor do I have a green thumb. So for now, the flowers are bought and the arrangements are a bit more whimsical.

If you've read my other posts you've probably gathered that I'm a thrifty lady, emphasis on LADY. If you haven't, you might want to get caught up so I don't have to waste my time finding you. Anyway, I love a good deal and an unusual spin on the ordinary. My hunting and gathering has left me with some fun and unusual vessels. Almost anything can be turned into a floral moment, as evidenced below.

"Floral Moment"

Here is what you'll need:
  • a cool or unique vessel
  • a serrated knife
  • some flowers (#duh)
  • Oasis floral foam
  • running water (which I'm assuming you have if you have the intrawebs, if not, let this be an a-ha moment)
Oasis is that green, weird brick below. You can find it at any flower shop or online. Buy it in bulk if you're close to retirement OR suffer from insomnia. I actually convinced the flower lady at Kroger to sell me some. I equate it to my charming personality as I did not have knife in hand and don't worry, I didn't call her flower lady to her face.

I cut off a piece of the Oasis to fit into the bottom of the vessel I have chosen.

This might be a nice moment for a public safety announcement in the form of a story. Prompt "The More You Know" logo in the background! (Snelson just rolled his eyes. (#rude)) It was Thanksgiving 2012, the in-laws were over and I was in the VERY early stages of making our big meal. I was cutting up some bread to make a most delicious, completely made up stuffing, or dressing if you're south of the Mason-Dixon line. I was using a serrated knife and sawed right through my finger like a champ. It was like an episode of Chopped without a medic on hand or a $10,000 prize tempting me to power through. So, needless to say, I threw in the blood covered towel. Now I'm trying to remember what the moral of the story is. It's either a) be careful with serrated knives OR b) cut yourself early on so that you have to sit on the couch reading your InStyle while your husband takes over cooking Thanksgiving dinner.

Moving along...

I added enough water to the Oasis so that it was just damp throughout. (I feel like there's an obvious joke in here about water and camels but it's just not coming to me.) The Oasis helps keep the flowers in place as you begin to create your masterpiece.

I bought my flowers at the Dekalb Farmers Market. They have a nice selection and on the cheap. Most large cities have a flower market where you can buy at wholesale prices. I have yet to find one in Atlanta so if you know of one please leave a comment. It would be most helpful!

Now to begin arranging...

I like to cluster by flower type and in varying heights. In order to disguise the Oasis I keep my shortest cuts to the perimeter. In this instance the camel vessel is also disguised as a swan. Don't worry about it...

I use decorative greens to fill in so that the arrangement feels full and lush. I keep in mind overall shape and height as I continue to add flower clusters in a color palette that makes sense visually. I tend to go for varying shades of the same color or stark contrast. I, of course, am drawn to bright colors. Restraint is not part of my vocabulary.

Although I'm not a floral authority I love how these little guys (and girls) make me smile. 

All of my vases are vintage. The camel and swan are from estate sales and that foxy lady is from the Goodwill. She doesn't even know how happy she makes me.

There is something to be said for a creative outlet that brings as much joy in the doing as the final product. I hope to add more whimsy to my collection and continue to discover new ways of showing off these fantastic creatures. Now go ahead, put a flower in it!

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