Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Thirty-Two Fifty

I was going to start this post with an elaborate, well fabricated story about being lost at sea. Something about a pirate, the coast guard and a parrot. Then my conscious got the better of me and the voice inside my head was saying no one would believe such a tale, especially in land locked Atlanta. Instead, I am writing the truth and wearing an eye patch. (#halftruths)

The truth of the matter is, I broke my phone (i.e. my camera) and words without visuals are so dang boring. So let's take a moment to travel back in time to a couple of weekends ago when I was particularly productive, except when I wasn't...

I spent my Saturday morning driving around my neighborhood hunting for yard sales. (I'm originally from Wisconsin so I thought a good hunting reference would really boost my fan base/give me a fan base.) Usually I am more thoughtful, with all of my stops plotted out on my cell phone. I do this with the help of my main squeeze Craig, and his list. I probably hit about five or six sales and did pretty well for myself. Success is measured by how much money is left in my wallet and if I can see out the back window of the Element. I have a real problem.

My grand total for all of my goods was $32.50. (#word) Here is what I got...

How pretty is this blush pink bowl, rimmed in gold? It is perfectly perfect for the living room color palette. I will spare her the misery of hosting a plant, only to watch it die. She is way to innocent to be confronted with my murderous ways.

The little, yellow container was from the same owner and is so simple in it's form and a wonderful punch of color. At another sale I scored that plant in the styrofoam cup for fifty cents. The woman assured me he was nice and hardy and easy to take care of. To which I said, "You don't know me." I figured for fifty cents I would go all in. Sadly, that cup will live forever in a landfill and the plant is probably a week or two out from seeing the pearly gates of heaven. Thank goodness you don't have to hand over references and partake in a home visit to be a plant parent. Someone would surely find all the dead souls hiding in the laundry room and garage just waiting for a final burial. Moving along...

I guess things do get even weirder with this small, domed cloche. Maybe not the cloche itself but that I chose to put a little plastic hand inside. It was right before Halloween and it just seemed fitting. I believe it was originally a watch display, hence the little hook. I'd either like to take that out or find something equally bizarre to hang from it. So, suggest away!

Let's not get all crazy and assume that this whole set up was included in my total. What was purchased is that sweet, little, round, fuchsia pillow in a shantung silk. If you haven't noticed that color is kind of my jam. Also, jam is not my jam. (I thought that was important enough to share.)

I have no idea what these baskets were used for, nor did the owner. I love them because I saw potential. The brass lined rims and the nesting ability spoke to my innards. They could be put to work in a number of different ways. Of course the obvious task would be for storage. You could turn them over to make an adorable plant stand (#deathstand) or use them as wastebaskets. The lids could do double duty as decorative bowls. I have an urge to paint them a bright white to really highlight the brass. That seems a bit out of character for me so it's either that or this fun project from The Marion House Book.


These two pieces are not particularly special but they were lumped in with the baskets for an overall price of $10. The sculptural, wood bird had a sibling that must have suffered a horrible accident. It was missing it's beak. The old adage "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger" seems to apply. I'm sure that mangled bird found a home. What it lacked in physical appearance it made up for in personality. That bird was hilarious.

Can you believe we are still in conversation ten items in?

This might be my favorite. I have some pondering to do before declaring a true connection. Look at that detail and that color and the brass lining right inside the wood frame. Okay, I guess this IS my favorite. I just had to talk it out. It was a steal at ten dollars and that may be the best part. What's better than being good looking? Being cheap AND attractive...

Well I'm exhausted just thinking about all that finding, negotiating, carrying and falling in love. May all my tired moments be this fulfilling.


  1. Hmmmm I seem to see a healthy plant reflected in the mirror. ��
    I love the bird items, and I totally want to go to yard sales with you! Great finds!

    1. You found me out! There is that plant that makes all others cry. She is a determined lady. I think you need to visit the ATL for some scavenger time with me.
